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Notice :

See important Notice to Litigants and Attorneys Appearing for Remote Appearances in Family Law Matters in Departments 7 and 13 here.

Civil Grand Juror:

Apply here to be a Civil Grand Juror 

COVID-19 Information:

For information about the Merced Superior Court’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page.

Traffic - Remote Appearance

The Court generally allows remote appearances in Traffic Infraction cases.  Before appearing remotely, be sure to read the traffic advisement, linked below.  Scheduling a remote appearance indicates your consent to remote appearance pursuant to California Penal Code section 1428.5 Law section (  After you schedule your remote appearance, you will receive information from the court via email indicating the appearance confirmation and directions to obtain remote appearance links.

Read Advisement 

Scheduling Remote Appearances

You may schedule and consent to remote appearances prior to the deadlines noted below by contacting the Clerk’s Office at (209) 725-4107 for Merced and (209) 725-4124 for Los Banos.

You may also schedule and consent to remote appearances by submitting your information here.

You have the right to be present in person at arraignment and court trial.  Unless you inform the court that you object to remote appearances by witnesses, officers may appear by video at your court trial; by appearing by video, you are consenting to remote appearances by all parties and waiving your right to be personally present.

  • Schedule your remote appearance no later than 3PM the court day before your hearing.
Further Proceedings
  • Schedule your remote appearance no later than 3PM the court day before your hearing. You may also indicate remote appearance during the court hearings prior to the further proceeding.
Pay or Appear
  • Schedule your remote appearance no later than 3PM the court day before your hearing. 
Court Trials
  • Schedule your remote appearance no later than 10 calendar days prior to the hearing date.  You may also indicate remote appearance during the court hearings prior to the officer court trial.
  • For officers appearing in court trials, you may schedule your remote appearance if the Notice of Court Trial Indicates remote appearances are permitted no later than 10 calendar days prior to the hearing date.
  • Evidence must be submitted to the court by 3PM on the court day before the hearing by mail to the Clerk’s Office, in-person submission at the Clerk’s Office or contacting the Clerk’s Office for submission information.

Preparing for your Remote Appearance

  1. Confirm you received the link to connect the day PRIOR to the hearing.
  2. Prepare in the same way you would if appearing in person.
    • Dress appropriately.
    • Think about your background. It is highly recommended that you be located indoors with limited background noise and distractions.
    • It is highly recommended to use a headset with a mic equipped.
    • Join the meeting up to 10 minutes early.
  3. Review the Court’s Remote Appearance Guidance at Using Zoom for Your Remote Appearance.pdf ( and How to Prepare for Your Court Appearance via Zoom.pdf (

  4. Please enter both your first and last name when joining the meeting. It is highly encouraged to also include your case number.
  5. Your case may not be heard at the time the calendar is scheduled to start. The courtroom may admit you into the meeting and place you and all other participants on mute. Only once your case is called, please unmute yourself and turn on your video. Keep in mind that your case may not be called for a few hours.

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