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Notice :

See important Notice to Litigants and Attorneys Appearing for Remote Appearances in Family Law Matters in Departments 7 and 13 here.

Civil Grand Juror:

Apply here to be a Civil Grand Juror 

COVID-19 Information:

For information about the Merced Superior Court’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page.

Online Services

Access Court Resources Online

The Superior Court of California County of Merced offers online resources to view the court calendars, case management conferences policy, and the alternative dispute resolution forms

Court Services Online

The Superior Court of California County of Merced offers online resources to view the court calendars, case management conferences policy, and the alternative dispute resolution forms

  • Traffic Tickets Online

    Pay by credit card online with our automated online payment system and view ticket info.

  • Financial Hardship

    If you cannot afford to pay the full amount of a fine for an infraction offense (including most traffic tickets), you may ask the court to reduce the amount you owe based on your ability to pay.

  • Court Calendars

    View the current court calendars for the Merced and Los Banos divisions.

  • Remote Appearance

    Merced Superior Court is now able to hold Court hearings by remote appearance.

  • Telephonic Appearance

    Merced Superior Court is able to hold Court hearings by telephone. The court uses a third party for telephonic appearances, Court Call.

  • Courtroom Services

    Here you will find a list of equipment available in each courtroom. Please note that all equipment is subject to availability and approval by a judicial officer.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution

    There are alternatives to going to trial. Because of the potential advantages of settling a case before trial, it is worth considering using ADR early in a lawsuit, or even before you file a lawsuit. Click here to learn more.

  • Free Public Wi-Fi

    The Superior Court of California, County of Merced offers free wireless internet access for the public, jurors, justice partners, attorneys, and court employees.

  • Tentative Rulings

    Prior to the scheduled hearing of a civil law and motion matter, the court may issue a tentative ruling. If so, no hearing is held and the tentative ruling becomes the ruling of the court unless one of the parties notifies the court and other parties of their intention to appear per California Rules of Court, rule 3.1308(a)(1).

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