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Notice :

See important Notice to Litigants and Attorneys Appearing for Remote Appearances in Family Law Matters in Departments 7 and 13 here.

Civil Grand Juror:

Apply here to be a Civil Grand Juror 

COVID-19 Information:

For information about the Merced Superior Court’s response to the COVID-19 virus, please visit our COVID-19 Information Page.

Records Search

Records Search General Information

In general, searches are performed in the computer, case files, microfiche, microfilm or indexes. If it takes more than ten (10) minutes to identify the cases associated with a name search or to locate documents in a file, the fee is fifteen dollars ($15). Most searches do not take more than ten (10) minutes. A search is defined as identifying cases associated with a name or identifying documents associated with a name.

Search Options

  • Submit a Search Request through the mail, instructions below.
  • Self-serve, in person, searches are performed utilizing the Court’s public terminals and public information databases.
  • In person, Clerk assisted requests.

Request by mail

All requests received in the mail must be accompanied by a check or money order, a self-addressed stamped envelope and a Record/Search/Copy Request form.

If the amount due is unknown at the time of the request, a signed check may be submitted with the amount left blank and a notation of “amount not to exceed $xx.xx”. The Clerk will fill in the amount and include a receipt with the requested documents.

Requests received without a self-addressed stamped envelope will be charged additional fees for an envelope and postage, pursuant to CRC10.815(10)/CRC10.815(11)/GC70631.

Request by Telephone

Court staff will continue to accommodate telephone requests from the defendant or his/her attorney for calendar or case information. All other requests for record searches must be submitted in writing to the Clerk’s office utilizing the Record/Search/Copy Request form or in person.

Record Searches & Located Files

Record searches will be performed based on the information provided by the requestor. An AKA constitutes an additional or separate name search request.

Files pulled for viewing will be held at the Division counter for ten (10) days from notification of their availability. After ten (10) days, the files will be returned to archive and a new search and possible off-site retrieval fee will be required.

Only when there is proper authority may information be given to an attorney in juvenile cases, sealed cases or any cases where statute prohibits disclosure.

    Search Fees

    Search fees are assessed when:
    • There is a request for information from a case file(s) and only the name of the defendant or plaintiff is provided. In this instance, the search commences when the Clerk begins searching the computer, case file, microfiche, microfilm or other resource to identify the associated case file number.
    • There is a request for a document within a case file. If the case file number is known, the time spent searching for the document commences once you begin looking through the file. Otherwise, the time spent searching begins when the case file number must be identified in order to locate the document.

    Making copies of documents from the case files should not be included as time involved in the search since a copy fee will be assessed at the rate of fifty cents ($.50) per page pursuant to GC70627(a). If certified copies are requested, a forty dollar ($40) fee is assessed per certification pursuant to GC70626(a)(4).

    Pursuant to Government Code Section (GC) 70627(c), the court will charge a fee for searching records, files or estate documents as outlined below:
    • GC70627(c) for searches of court records and files: The fee for search of records or files conducted by a court employee that requires more than ten (10) minutes is fifteen dollars ($15) for each search.
    • GC70661 for searches of estate documents: The fee for searching a document transferred to the clerk of the Superior Court under Section 732 of the Probate Code is the same fee under subdivision (c) of GC70627 for searching records or files.

    Pursuant to California Rules of Court (CRC) 10.815(13)/GC70631, the court will charge a fee in the amount of $15 for off-site retrieval of files/documents.

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